Saturday, 21 September 2013


After weeks of practicing our Production Day finally arrived. We were so excited! We jumped on the bus and off we went to the NBS theatre.

We had to wait while the other classes performed their we got to watch a movie. Yay!

While we were waiting back stage we had time to practise.

Almost time for our item. Great excitement!!!!!

Mrs Forsyth was wondering why she got up so early to go to the gym before school today!

Our Big Buddies were awesome. They supported us with our item and they were an inspiration!

Our turn to perform!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Please have your child in their performance costume at the NBS Theatre for "The Evening Show" between 6:30pm and 6:45pm. ( No later than 6:45pm)
Thank you :-)


We made some umbrellas to illustrate our writing on "The Rain".


After the heavy rain last week the children in room 7 wrote their thoughts (here is a sample of some of their writing).

Ben wrote...
When the thunder came I was scared because it was loud!

Joseph wrote...
When it rains it sounds like, drip, drop and it feels wet.

Isla wrote...
Rain is when it cleans the house. Also the puddles turn into mud puddles. But I don't like the rain because I can't play outside.

Rosa wrote...
Rain feels like when I am in the shower. I love the rain because it waters the flowers.

Issac wrote...
The thunder rumbled and it was scray. My Mum let me sleep in her bed.

Mata wrote...
The rain woke me up.

Bella wrote...
Last night it was raining down very loudly and I had to put a pillow over my head. I like the rain because I can watch movies.

Westport South School Revue

A few reminders about our performance this Thursday...

There are two performances on Thursday (19 September)

The Matinee Show is at 10:30. The children will go to the theatre by bus and be brought back to school afterwards by bus. Please make sure your child has their costume at school on Thursday. Girls are wearing black leggings and a red top (the school's red t-shirt is perfect). Boys are wearing blue shorts and a red t-shirt.

The Evening Show is at 7:00pm. It is important your child is at the theatre before 7:00pm. He/she needs to arrive at the theatre in the clothes worn for the performance. All children are part of the opening item, so arriving early will give your child time to meet their class mates and get ready without being stressed. Our class item is almost the last one, so it will be a late night. We realise your child may be tired and we are happy for him/her to sleep in on Friday and arrive at school later. 
Also after the Matinee Show you are welcome to collect your child earlier if you would like him/her to have an afternoon nap to prepare for the Evening Show.
If you have any questions or concerns please come and chat to Deb, Katrina or Jenny.

We had our dress rehearsal on Monday and the children got to view the other classes performing. It was amazing! The children have put a lot of effort into their items and the revue is definitely well worth watching.

Go Jake!

Wow Jake got an award for receiving 10 classroom certificates.

Principal's Award

Jai and Emma look proud of their  principal awards!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Thursday, 12 September 2013


We have been learning how to skip. It keeps us fit and it's fun!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Spring Art

Mrs Shepherd showed us an artistic way to celebrate 'Spring'. Our display has added a splash of colour to our classroom. We are very proud of the trees that we drew...and they are smothered in blossom.

Great Writers!

Here are some photos of Room 7 children during writing time.

Fabulous Flowers

On Thursday we decorated drift wood and old boots with flowers for the Flower Show. Our classroom looked like a florist's shop and it smelt devine!

Room 7 Super Stars

Congratulations Samara and Jake for receiving a Principal's Award at assembly last week.