Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Maths Super Stars

Tristan and Ross with their Maths Awards.  Great work guys!

More Fabulous Readers!

Well done Aydan.  150 nights reading.  Keep up the great work!

Tumeke Tristyn, Ciara and Wendy!  You are all working hard to improve your reading skills.

Breakfast Club!

Don' forget there is a Breakfast Club that meets every Monday and Friday morning in the staffroom.  Here is Teresa busy making some yummy toast... Mmmmmm!

Aliana enjoying her morning milk and toast.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Boys!

Thanks to the beautiful weather the boys in Room 7 & 8 have started playing their very own version of Soccer/Rugby.   Here they are enjoying a game at lunchtime. 

Maths Maths Maths...

Teresa with the Circles learning their basic facts to 5.
Tania and the Triangles Group working on instant recall of their baisc facts to 10 (using tens frames as a visual aid).
Matai with some of the new class equipment.

Grace and Ashley with their place value work.  Superb effort girls!
India busy writing numbers to 20.


Super Readers!

Awesome work Jade and Jessica!  125 nights reading.  Tumeke
Well done Sam, Kieran, Jaxon and Tristan for all your hard work reading at home.  Keep up the good effort boys!


Liam's Delicious Birthday Cake

Friday, 17 October 2014

Super Swimmers

In a very short time our clever children have shown lots of improvement with swimming. Well done Room 7/8 you are showing you are keen to learn and keen to keep trying. 

Principal Awards

Congratulations India and Jaxon for getting The Principal Award at assembly this week.

Monday, 13 October 2014

First Day Of Swimming

Today we had our first day of swimming. We were very excited and afterwards we felt very tired! The bus ride to the pool was a big hit. The children were eager to get into the pool to show what they could do. We have some great swimmers in our class. Thank you to Debbie and Karen for coming along to help us.

Maths Homework

For those that would like to do a little extra at home here is a list of the activities we are working in maths this week at school.

Maths Homework:  Week 1 Term 4 2014

Your child should know what maths group they are in.  If you are unsure the groups are on the Maths wall in Room 7/8 J 

*Count back from any number in the 0-20 range (17, 16, 15…)
*Practice skip counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
*Practice writing numbers 0-20.

We are learning our doubles and halves to 20.
We are learning to find half of a set of objects.
*on a separate piece of paper write as many doubles and halves as you can think of.

We are learning about place value
23  = 2 tens and 3 ones                45 = 4 tens and 5 ones
*at home practice writing some two digit numbers and break them up into tens and ones.

We are learning to count on from the biggest number to solve addition problems
( 9 + 3 = …10,11,12)
*Try writing some of your own.

We are learning to solve addition and subtraction problems to 10 either by counting all the objects or by imaging in our heads).
*write some sums of your own.

Squares and Circles
We are learning our basic facts to 5.
0+1=              0+2=              0+3=              0+4=              0+5=
1+1=              1+2=              1+3=              1+4=
2+ 1=             2+2=              2+3=
3+ 1=             3+2=


Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Don't forget we begin swimming on the first Monday back to school.  Remember to bring your togs,  a clean towel and goggles if you need them.  Also ensure that all your clothing is well named as sometimes things get a little mixed up when getting changed! 
Have a separate named bag for all your gear and finally make sure you bring a little something extra for lunch, as you will probably be very hungry after swimming.

Be Sunsmart!

Well done Connor for wearing a hat to school.  This term is our summer term, so everyone must bring a wide-brimmed sunhat to school.  


Awesome kid Felix!  200 nights reading at home. 

Brynleigh and Kayla received our class awards for the last week of term. 
(Unfortunately Mrs Clementsons camera went flat before she could get a really good up close picture of you girls.)

Well done Willow!

Sam getting his special award from Mrs Dustin.

Ronald McDonald House Dress Up Day

On the last day of term we had a dress up day to support the Ronald McDonald House in Christchurch.  It was a great day with the theme being "What you want to be when you grow up".
Thanks to all the children and parents for helping with this very fine cause.
Room 7/8's awesome kids.

"Woah!  What happened!"

Matai wants to be "just like his dad" when he grows up.

Pretty Princess Aydan

Die hard rocker Kieran!

Princess Torie

"To the Batmobile Ross!"

Connor the Scientist