Monday, 31 October 2016

75th Jubilee

Over the weekend our school celebrated its 75th Jubilee.  We got to have a piece of the amazing cake this morning for our morning tea!! It looked amazing and tasted even better.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Week 3 Awards

Congratulations Vlad and John who were awarded our Principals Awards this week.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Week 2 Winners

Ka pai Emmy-Jean and Nataleigh!  They have been doing some awesome information posters in reading.  Tino pai tou mahi!!!!

Taniwhas, Taniwhas Everywhere!

We have begun painting our Taniwhas masks.  They are looking amazing!!!

Week 1 Term 4

Well done Dawn and Rico for being awarded our Principal's Awards this week.

Emmy-Jean and Kai were awarded special awards for their classroom certificates.

Amber was placed second in the Junior Section of our school competition about TIMS. We made a poster and wrote about a time when we have used TIMS.  Tino pai Amber we are very proud of you!!

Monday, 10 October 2016

Little Gardeners

Last term Mrs Fairweather signed us up to receive a free set of the little garden seeds from New World. Today we got to plant them and learnt about how a seed germinates and what conditions it needs.